Alpha Stim
Drug-free Treatment That Works
Its safe, effective, and proven relief from pain. There are many pain management products, medications, and treatment options on the market today. You can go the pharmaceutical route to treat pain, but drugs – especially opioids – can have serious side effects.
If you’ve seen the news in the past year, you’re probably aware of the two most common side effects of opioids and other pain management drugs: addiction and drug interaction. But there is a drug-free, narcotic-free option for pain management.
Whether you need a shoulder, neck, or back pain relief – or pain management anywhere else in your body – the Alpha-Stim M microcurrent therapy device offers you the instant and ongoing relief you need. It’s a fast, safe, and effective option without the side effects of drugs, making it practical for many people. Alpha-Stim has no lasting side effects and carries no risk of addiction.

How it works?
The pain sensation transmits through your body along billions of nerve cells designed to transmit pain messages through electrochemical signals. The Alpha-Stim M electrotherapy stimulation device uses a microcurrent waveform that modulates the signals within the cell to provide significant pain relief and pain management without medication.
The Alpha-Stim® M is a handheld, prescription electrotherapy device that delivers advanced Microcurrent Electrical Therapy (MET) to your pain site through an exclusive, patented waveform. This uniquely refined and researched waveform provides non-invasive, sustainable pain relief and pain management wherever and whenever you feel discomfort.
Applied to the site of pain using hand-held probes or attachable electrodes (probes for a quick treatment that takes less than 5 minutes), the Alpha-Stim M offers immediate relief of many types of pain, including acute, post-traumatic, and chronic pain. Alpha-Stim is an effective form of pain management designed to help you avoid or reduce the need for pain medicine, but it is safe to use with prescriptions or over-the-counter medications if needed.
The Alpha-Stim M electrotherapy device can also deliver Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). CES is proven to relieve anxiety, insomnia, and pain.