Shiva Physical Therapy

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal Manipulation Can Help You To Find Relief

Your spine does a lot for your body – it protects your spinal cord, allows you to breathe correctly, and allows your body to move. Almost every function in your body is directly connected to your spine and health.

Spinal manipulation is an excellent method of pain relief with out any side effects .

What is Spinal Manipulation?

Spinal manipulation, also called spinal manipulative therapy or manual therapy, is a high-velocity low amplitude thrust technique designed to relieve somatic dysfunction when the restriction is in and closely around the joint . This procedure is much effective in subacute and chronic conditions than in acute condetions . Cavitation (joint pop)occurs at the time of manipulation which is very common and safe . It is often used to treat back, neck, shoulder, and headache pain.

What does it involve?

There are many types of spinal adjustments used by practitioners worldwide. Some use mobilization with impulse  (spinal manipulation), while others use more gentle techniques called mobilization with out impulse (spinal mobilization). Most procedures are done on a padded, adjustable table. Parts of the table can be dropped as an adjustment is done, adding different forces to the movement.

Spinal manipulation is when the practitioner uses their hands to apply a controlled, sudden force to a specific joint. Patients often hear popping noises but its not necessary, like when you crack your knuckles.

Spinal mobilization is when practitioners use less forceful thrusts or graded glides and more stretching.  In mobilizations, the practitioner is not bringing through a high-velocity passive range of motion.

Spinal Manipulation

Is spinal manipulation safe?

Spinal manipulation is safe when performed by a trained Therapist and licensed practitioner. The most common side effects of spinal manipulation are temporary soreness or a temporary increase in pain.

Spinal manipulation is used as a treatment for:

Spinal manipulation’s benefits also include:

Reduced drug dependence. Spinal manipulation does not use pharmaceuticals to manage pain.

Improved range of motion. Spinal manipulation increases flexibility, thereby increasing the patient’s range of motion.

Decrease pain . Spinal manipulation does not use pharmaceuticals to manage pain ,it acheives the pain free state by acting on neuromusculoskeletal system and having an effect on somatic dysfunction  .

Spinal manipulation can often offer patients an alternative for treating back, neck, shoulder, and even head pain when traditional therapies have failed.

If you are interested in Knowing more about treatment options, don’t hesitate to contact Shiva Physical Therapy.