INDIBA® is the market leader in radio frequency treatments for reducing pain and accelerating the body’s natural recovery with scientifically proven results. INDIBA is a clinically proven Radio frequency treatment at 448 kHz and provides various treatment benefits that can be combined with manual therapy and other therapeutic techniques. This combination, along with clinical knowledge, helps create unparalleled results by :
- Providing an analgesic and anesthetic effects
- Increasing the volume and intensity of deep blood flow within the body by improving Microcirculation
- Increasing delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue to improve healing
- Raising tissue temperature to relax the muscle and tendons
- Increasing metabolism to produce Biochemical and Biomechanical stimulation
- Managing inflammation by improving tissue metabolism
- Normalizing cell function by restoring cell membrane potential
- Stimulates stem cell proliferation
- Achieves ionic balance in the treatment tissue

How does the INDIBA Active CT9 work?
The INDIBA device generates a safe, pain-free electromagnetic wave that introduces energy to the body. This causes bio-stimulation and a thermal effect, which complements your recovery and can improve results from your first treatment.
The CT9 device converts electrical current into a fixed, stable frequency of 448 kHz, increasing ionic exchange at a cellular level, encouraging tissue repair, and assisting pain management. The return plate closes the electrical circuit, enabling our treatments to be delivered safely and effectively for patients and clinicians alike.
The integration of two operational modes, CAP and RES, as well as the low and high output power, makes it easy to obtain subthermal and thermal effects. This allows clinicians to treat patients at all phases of an injury, acute or chronic.
INDIBA systems generate an electromagnetic wave at a precise frequency of 448 kHz to achieve both a bio-stimulation and thermal effect.
With over 300 papers supporting the results of INDIBA® and top athletes worldwide using this technology. You can be assured that most of the teams in the Champions League, Premiership, professional cycling, athletics, and tennis use INDIBA. Make INDIBA part of your pain recovery program and speed up your recovery.