STIMPOD® PRF Therapy with the NMS460
Stimpod NMS460 Is A Non-invasive Pulsed Radiofrequency (PRF) System
Stimpod NMS460 provides a non-invasive, non-drug solution with no side effects and rapid onset of action in decreasing pain and improving nerve function.
Stimpod NMS460’s revolutionary waveform generates electromagnetic effects, utilizing PRF, which affects the cellular metabolic activity of a neuropathic nerve. The resulting cellular response changes the characteristics of the nerve, which in many cases causes the nerve to recover to its normal function.

What is non-invasive PRF?
PRF electromagnetic therapies are designed to restore the natural functionality of nerve cells using a non-invasive approach. The treatment is administered with a pen-like stimulation probe on the skin surface, eliciting a light electrical sensation.
The patented waveform delivers brief bursts of pulse stimulation triggering a long-lasting recovery through a metabolic biochemical cascade that targets the root cause of neurologically related diseases.
The induced electromagnetic field oscillates at frequencies in the range of the radio spectrum. It propagates as short bursts through the skin to the nerves and travels along the axons to the spinal dorsal horn, restoring the intra-neural communication pathways and the natural nerve functionality.
The short-burst electromagnetic stimulation in the radiofrequency range classifies Stimpod-460 as a non-invasive electromagnetic therapy as PRF.
Targeted Chronic Pain Treatment With our electromagnetic therapies, we can precisely target the biological processes that underlie pathological states.
In contrast, the current standard of care exposes the entire body to a treatment regimen intended for one isolated biological process, leaving the body at risk of systemic side effects.
PRF Therapy has Standardized Treatment Protocols to treat the following condition effectively:
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Migraine
- Bell’s palsy
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Radiculopathy
- Sciatic Pain and complex pain
- Frozen Shoulder
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Tennis Elbow
- Anterior Knee pain
- Phantom Limb Pain
- And many more conditions …