Let me begin by saying – I wish a resource like this existed when I started my journey as a Physical Therapist. Over the years, I spent considerable time trying to improve my skills and understanding of the best way to Naturally treat Lower back pain and how to integrate evidence with clinical practice. Often, I felt that I needed a framework to guide me but lacked a resource that cumulated all the current evidence and practice approaches I had been taught and learned over the years. Every Therapist has their perspective along with clinical evidence and clinical practice considerations when considering treating back pain and wanting to be the best back pain Physical Therapist. Still, a significant discrepancy exists between recommended guidelines and actual management in clinical practice.
Causes Of Back pain:
It’s essential you don’t make rushed decisions or undergo extensive medical treatment procedures until the origin of the Back pain is found; sometimes, it may take a lot of digging to identify the cause of the back pain accurately, and in some cases, Back pain can be a referred pain coming from other organ or body part. If the source of the pain is not known or you cannot get relief from your current treatment plan, your best option may be to work with your doctor or go for a second opinion. There can be many causes and treatment frameworks to treat back pain, but to keep this article short, we will not discuss the causes of back pain and different treatment frameworks; we focus on Natural treatment options available to treat back pain.
I wish I could say that there is a silver bullet to Naturally cure your Lower back pain, but it’s difficult to say that as it comes with various factors that play a role in resolving back pain. Let me put it this way, Back pain treatment is a puzzle, and we need to understand each piece of the puzzle to help our patients recover as quickly as possible.
Treatment Plan:
Back pain can stem from various causes, such as poor posture, IVD pathologies, Nerve issues, spinal cord issues, muscle imbalances, spinal misalignments, or even psychological factors like stress and anxiety. Focusing solely on core strengthening, back exercises, and manual therapy may give you temporary or incomplete relief. A holistic approach allows healthcare providers to identify and address these contributing factors, leading to a more tailored and effective treatment plan. Based on the Therapist’s assessment, they will develop a comprehensive treatment plan about what treatment options to choose to give you the best outcomes. Currently, many innovative, evidence-based, Non-Invasive treatment options are available to provide the best result for back pain with no downtime, no risk, and no side effects and for faster and easier healing. One should believe in the body’s natural healing and corrective abilities. Our body has a natural tendency to strive toward a state of health and wellness, but there are barriers and dysfunctions in the body that will inhibit its ability to reach that state. The Therapist should work at discovering these barriers and dysfunctions after their comprehensive assessment and help patients to facilitate healing towards that goal of health and recovery by implementing a complete, evidence-based treatment model with innovative treatment modalities and a truly hands-on focused approach that positively impacts the nervous, vascular, musculoskeletal systems.
Treatment Options:
No single treatment will help you recover from Back pain, like a single Best Back pain Treatment or a Best Back pain Therapist. The best treatment for back pain is the combination of treatments and the Therapist’s knowledge of what to do, how to do it, and when to do it to help you recover from back pain faster. Some of the Evidence-based natural treatment remedies that help to heal from back pain naturally are Spinal manipulation, Muscle energy techniques, spinal decompression therapy, Dry Needling, Myofascial release techniques, Cupping Therapy, INDIBA radiofrequency therapy, SCENAR , Shockwave therapy, Crano-sacral therapy, STIMPOD 460 , Alfa Stim, Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, Stretching, Manual therapy, Mckenzie treatment, Mulligan mobilization, Therapeutic and strengthening exercises, Massage, CBT(cognitive behavioral therapy), Yoga, Lifestyle modifications and staying active are some of the few treatments that can help you recover from back pain.
Now the questions come? What treatment I should try to get relief from back pain? The answer depends on what is causing the back pain first and what treatment your therapist plans after their comprehensive evaluation. Each treatment options have its advantages and treatment efficacy. If you’re interested in using a natural remedy for back pain relief, you might consider some of the above popular treatment options available. All the above treatment options are safe and have been used for years without any side effects or risks.
Talk to your Therapist or the Doctor about the above-listed treatment options and see what treatment option will fit your treatment plan to get the help you need to recover from your Back pain naturally without injections and surgery.
Dr.Siva Parnam,DPT , Osteopractor
Shiva Physical Therapy.